Extremely rare and in exceptional condition
Los 1618
Anonymous issues of Nicaea, circa 1227-1261. Trachy (Bronze, 29 mm, 3.06 g, 6 h). O - ΓΙ/OS ΓЄ/PЄ/Ⲱ/P St. George facing, nimbate and in military attire, holding spear in his right hand and placing his left on shield set on the ground. Rev. O/X/A/Λ - K/H/TH(in ligature) Christ Chalkites, nimbate, standing facing on pedestal, wearing tunic and kolobion, raising his right hand in blessing and holding book of Gospels in his left; in field to right, star; in field to left and right, IC - XC. DOC 2. SB 2150. Extremely rare and in exceptional condition. Light corrosion and with a minor flan crack, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Christ Chalkites takes its name from a renowned icon that once graced the main entrance of Chalke. This icon was removed by Emperor Leo III the Isaurian during the iconoclastic period, despite strong opposition from the city's inhabitants. Irene later restored the icon, but it was removed again a few decades later by Leo V the Armenian. Although the exact depiction of Christ on the icon remains uncertain, the prevailing belief is that it portrayed him standing on a pedestal.
75 CHF
1600 CHF
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